
The CPMH is physically located within both the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the School of Psychology at Stellenbosch University (SU). The CPMH is currently staffed by a full-time Director (Prof. Crick Lund) who is physically based at the Red Cross Child and Family Unit.

The Director and the Centre is accountable to a Management Board and advised by an International Scientific Advisory Panel.

The respective Deans for UCT and SU (or their nominees), together with the Heads of Department of the School of Psychology (SU) and the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health (UCT), constitute the CPMH’s Management Board.  The CPMH is accountable to the Management Board for it’s functioning, particularly in respect of policy, financial and marketing decisions.   The Board meets bi-annually.

In addition to the Management Board, an Advisory Panel has been established, which the CPMH consults through bi-annual teleconferences and document reviews. The Panel consists of six members, including four members from external research institutions and one representative each from UCT and Stellenbosch, including the Director. The external members have been appointed jointly by the respective Deans of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Arts and Social Sciences, or their delegates as part of the function of the Management Board. Terms of Reference for the Advisory Panel are available on request.

The responsibilities of the Advisory Panel include:

  • considering the scientific merit and funding status of current and proposed research projects;
  • supporting the research programmes from inception through to the publication and dissemination of research findings, through intellectual contributions with a view to maintaining high quality research outputs;
  • providing input to the overall intellectual direction of the research programme of CPMH;
  • seeking to maximize co-operation opportunities in respect of research and training being undertaken in CPMH;
  • co-opting one or more international experts in an advisory capacity.