Alan J Flisher Memorial Lecture: Scars that run deep: Pervasive and pathogenic impact of trauma and PTSD

This year’s Alan J Flisher Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof Prof Soraya Seedat on ‘Scars that run deep: Pervasive and pathogenic impact of trauma and PTSD

On 9 November 2021 the Alan J Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health hosted Prof Soraya Seedat to deliver the annual Alan J Flisher Memorial Lecture.

Soraya Seedat (MBChB, FC Psych, MMED Psych, PhD) is a psychiatrist by training and chairs the Department of Psychiatry at Stellenbosch University. She has been involved in traumatic stress research for over 20 years, holds the South African Research Chair in PTSD and directs the South African Medical Research Council Genomics of Brain Disorders Research Unit

View memorial lecture below.

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